Jumat, 15 April 2011

Philosophy Recontructionist





A. Definition
Philosophy comes from words that mean and shopia, 'that mean' means thinking and 'shopia' means wisdom. So the philosophy is the love of wisdom. Thinking means to process the sensory data into meaning, or the process of looking for meaning, and wisdom means making decisions that favor the weaker party. Thus philosophy can be interpreted to think deeply about the sensory data and making decisions that favor the weaker party. Shopia can mean the knowledge, wisdom, and wisdom. (Darsono Prawironegoro, 2010, pp. 15)
Reconstructionist derived from the word 'reconstructs' meaning regroup. In the context of educational philosophy, Reconstructionist flow is a flow arrangement seeking to remodel the old order and establish procedures patterned array of modern cultural life. (True House of Gandhi HW, 2011, pp. 189)
In the Oxford Dictionary of Advanced leaner's Dictionry mentioned that "re-con-struc-tion, the process of changing or Improving the condition of something or the way if works; the process of putting something back into the state it was in before the reconstruction of the educational system ". (AS Hornby, 2000, pp. 1105)
Education, at present, look to the future of that individual and the community must come up with an awareness, building an intellectual, a new outlook on life to face the challenges of the new force. (Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, pp. 129)
Fitting time for us to be calm examine the issue of whether philosophy and the discussion can help us in the task of reconstruction of our national education or not, enter positive values in our socio-economic field, and restore unity, reliability, and sincerity in, the environment our national?. (Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, pp. 131)
As stated by Caroline Pratt (1948), an influential social reconstructionist that period: "The biggest value of a school have to produce human beings who can think effectively and work constructively,
the same time can make a better world than right now to live in it ". In short, schools must not only be menstransmisikan knowledge about the existing social order, but must also try to reconstruct it. (Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, pp. 166)
B. Background
Reconstructionist movement is the continuation of progressivism. This movement was born based on an assumption that the only progressive thinking and engaging with the problems that exist in society today. (Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, pp. 167)
Progressivisme flow is one school of philosophy of education is growing rapidly at the beginning of the twentieth century and was very influential in the education reform mainly driven by the flow of naturalism and experimentalisme, instrumntalisme, evironmentalisme and pragmatism. (M. Djumberansyah Indar, 1994, pp. 130)
Progressivisme education stream will always emphasize the growth and development of thought and mental attitude, both in problem solving and confidence to yourself for learners. Progress or progress cause changes, and changes result in renewal. (M. Djumberansyah Indar, 1994, pp. 131)
Dewey's progressivism is based on the opinion, developed by Kilpatrick and John Child, also encourages education to be more aware of social responsibility.This school argues that schools should dominate / lead changes or reconstruction of social order today. (Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, pp. 167-168)

This flow has the trust concept of man as a subject that has the ability to face the world and environment, has the ability to address and solve the problems that will threaten the man himself. Education is considered able to change and save people for the sake of the future. The purpose of education is always interpreted as a continuous reconstruction of experience and are progressive. (M. Djumberansyah Indar, 1994, pp. 131)
Plato saw that the people of Athens when it was sick and collapsed due to a number of issues. In his capacity as a thinker, he wanted to create a society rise from adversity and standing up straight. He then concluded that the fall of Athens due to the lack of "justice" in it and that reconstruct society on a foundation of justice will never be realized except by reconstructing the education system. So, Plato seems to use jargon, "If we want to promote, improve, and change society then we also have to promote, improve, and change the education system." (Said Ismail Ali, 2010, pp. 128)
C. People Reconstructionist Philosophy
The flow of Reconstructionist philosophy pioneered by George Counts and Harold Rugg in 1930. They intend to build a new society, a society is deemed appropriate and fair. Widespread idea that their ideas are influenced by Dewey's progressive thinking, and this explains why the flow has a foundation Reconstructionist philosophy pragmatism. Though they inspired a lot of thought Theodore Brameld, especially with some works of philosophy of education, ranging from 'Patterns of Educational Philosophy (1950), Toward recunstucted Philosophy of Education (1956), and the Education of Power (1965). (True House of Gandhi HW, 2011, pp. 190)

This world, says Dewey, is in the process of creation and is constantly moving forward continuously. Dewey really emphasize evolution, relativity, and the process time in his world view. According to Dewey, the world we live where we live today is a world that has not been completed (an unfinished world). These keywords can be well understood when linked to the three aspects of instrumentalisme: temporalisme, futurism, and melionisme. (Zubaedi, 2010, pp. 139)
Temporalisme means that there is movement and progress in real time. People will no longer hold the view of reality than a spectator. Pengatahuan not just a mirror or reflection of the world, but he formed it back and make changes to it. Futurism is to see the future, and not the past. The future growth of the past is not repeated, but an entirely new period. While meliorisme is a view which states that the various efforts we can make this world better. (Zubaedi, 2010, pp. 139)
In principle, Reconstructionist perenialisme agree with the flow, especially their concerns in modern human life. Both streams are looking at if the life of modern man is the age when humans live in a culture that is disturbed, sick, full of confusion, and confusion of the process. According to Reconstructionist view, education needs to remodel the old layout layout layout layout and build a new cultural life, to achieve the main goal requires cooperation among mankind. (M. Djumberansyah Indar, 1994, pp. 139)
Flow Reconstructionist believes that the task of saving the world is the duty of all human beings or nations. Therefore, building back the intellectual and spiritual power that will foster healthy humans back through the proper education of values and norms that also true for the sake of present and future generations to form a new world under the supervision of mankind. (True House of Wardha HW, 2011, pp. 190)

Ibn Khaldun's struggle with the world of education has led to the conclusion that education is a matter of each individual. People who plunge into the world of education working to find some characteristics and skills that can add skill in wrestling with other people. (Said Ismail Ali, 2010, pp. 55)
D. Reconstructionist principles
The reconstructionist is known as a defender of the militants. The ideas they always show their moral concerns on the ongoing life situation. This, for example, we can find with their views and concerns about how the situation of modern human life which according to them to collapse. Life, particularly education, has been conducted in a way and a wrong thinking. Therefore, the more days of life and life instead of getting better, it was even worse. The World even have a what they call in a crisis situation sakarat. The only solution to get out of all that according to them is none other than by changing the existing education practices into new constructions. This view does have a lot pemerian reconstructionist. Starting from the question of demography. The depletion of natural resources, the increasing global disparities, either in technology or wealth, nuclear proliferation, racism, terrorism, narrow nationalism, and other immoral behavior, clearly threaten human life in any sense. Other problems are more and more horrible day instead of getting healed or the less, on the contrary it is increasing, both in the percentage of quantitative and qualitative percentage that gave birth to something they call a modern totalitarianism, ie situations where human values lost in the widespread social. In short, the world was in the middle of bankruptcy horrible. (True House of Wardha HW, 2011, pp. 191)

In 1970 Alvin Toffler in response to the explosion of knowledge and technology so fast, suggests a new dimension of educational theory in his work: Future Shock. Alfin Toffler is one of a futurist who tries to give an explanation of the concept of humans in the future.
Alfin Toffler thought the concept was initiated from an article which is a monumental work that is formulated with the term "future shock (shock future)."
This article describes the intense pressure and disorientation experienced by humans when burdened with too many changes in too short time. Clearly, future shock is no longer a potential hazard that is still far away, but is a real disease that afflicts more and more human. Psychological-biological conditions can be illustrated with medical terminology and psikiarti. This disease is a disease changes. This brings us to a reflective consciousness. In these works, Toffler wrote, "What exactly do education today, is nothing but a hopeless anachronism." Education runs only into a series of practices and assumptions that are developed only serve the industrial era, while the social situation has entered a period superindustri. As a result, our schools dizziness. On the one hand they continue to face the fact that at one time is impossible to be abandoned, while on the other hand, life has moved with unprecedented speed, changing and changing. Here the matter of five minutes is no longer a short time, the opposite has been such a long time, when an entire memory and consciousness due to the rapid movement of existing life changes. (True Wansa Wardha HW, 2011, pp. 192)
Goorge S. Count as a pioneer in the publication rekonstuksionisme "Dare the School Build a New Social Order", suggested that the school would really play a role when the school became the center of building a new society as a whole, to understand poverty, warfare, and ethnicity (racism).

People who suffer economic hardship and social problems that big a challenge for education to perform its role as a reformer and agent of social reconstruction, education rather than just maintaining the status quo. (Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, pp. 168)
There are 5 dikmukakan thesis by Brameld (Kneller. 1971) about the Reconstructionist educational theory, namely:
1. Education should be implemented here and now in order to create a new social order that would fill the basic values of our culture, and in harmony with the underlying economic forces, and social modern society.
2. The new society must be in the life of a true democracy. Where the source and the primary institution in society is controlled by its own people.
3. Children, schools and education itself is conditioned by cultural and social forces.
4. Teachers must be convinced of the validity and urgency of her wise manner by means of taking the democratic procedure.
5. The manner and purpose of education should be changed back entirely in order to discover the needs associated with today's cultural crisis, and to match needs with social science. What is important from a social science is to encourage us to discover the values, where people believe it or not that those values are universal. (Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, pp. 169-171)
For some Muslim intellectuals in various countries, especially in an environment of higher Islamic learning, in the 70s, the issue of Islamization of science has become an intellectual agenda that gives great hope in the resurrection of Islam and became one of the most controversial topics. He gave inspiration to the Muslim intellectuals and activists around the world, at once inviting a backlash. When Islam is truly in a state excluded from the various collective life, the issue of Islamization of contemporary science really becomes an epistemological evolution. " (Komaruddin Hidayat et al, 2009, pp. 1iii)
A. Malik Fajar said that "Therefore, if we want to look to the future of Islamic education in Indonesia that can play a strategic role and considered to be an option, then there should be openness insight and courage in solving its problems fundamentally and comprehensively as it relates to: First , clarity of who aspired to operational measures. Second, empowerment (empowering) the existing institutional restructure its system. Third, repair, renewal and development of management systems or manejemennya. (A. Malik Fajar, 1998, pp. 11)
Tafseer Ahmad said that "Our education nowadays, it must be refined for graduates to take reasonable life in the future. Why education should be projected into the future? Because the outcome of an education can not be enjoyed today, malainkan in the future, near or far. Education that took place today in the world, especially in Indonesia, it should be updated, given a fresh new blood for his healthy and able to deliver the graduates to face their future. (Komaruddin Hidayat et al., 2009, pp. 30)
In order to re-actualization of Islamic Education, the Islamic Education system should direformis, direkstrukturisasi, and innovated for Facebook to adjust to the dynamics of society and to meet the demands and needs of the free market era. (Ramayulis, 2006, pp. 342)
Concerning the issue normativ-philosophical, which is still debated decision maker for the perpetrators of Islamic education. Therefore the Islamic educational institutions should reorient. Reorientation done by implementing education by reviewing the normative philosophical problem that is often debated. Like the problem objectives of Islamic education. If the formulation of objectives of Islamic education is less clear, the other components in the education system can not perform its function properly. This is due in the education system, all its components are always oriented to the achievement of educational goals. (Ramayulis, 2006, pp. 345)
E. Benefits of Studying Flow Reconstructionist
Philosophy is not just a hypothetical interpretation of the unknown or known in a way that is not exact, but the philosophy applies as well as shielding the front of grasping the truth, when philosophy delve into the values and the possibilities of objects and phenomena aspired to in its entirety keberartiannya peak. (Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, pp. 131-132)
In natural circumstances, the duty of the philosopher who is actually a changing world so that the situation is better than simply reflect and interpret. The world is a battlefield, that someone can win only by developing and perfecting its means and goals. So, someone could open the way for human improvement in general.(Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, pp. 132)
Philosophy always comes to rescue of man and society, whenever they are confronted with a crisis of moral, social, or spiritual of the most serious and complicated situation as we face lately. In critical moments, it is inevitable to stop and think, designing ways to improve on the basis of past actions, and noted the way for further progress. Process thinking requires awareness of the past and concern for the future. (Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, pp. 133)
Muhammad Abduh, in accordance with the principle of refusing the conflict and the use of force, see education as the main way to get out of underdevelopment that has been acute. However, his concept of education is associated directly with the insistence on the religious fervor of Islam. Therefore, Abduh strongly criticized the conception of some people who think that science is being required Muslims to rise is the science that speaks about the world of industry, commerce, and agriculture ... and the education that is based on religion that is authentic. Thus, the reform itself and reform our soul is a straight path to take off backwardness and realize the resurrection. (Said Ismail Ali, 2010, pp. 194)

Resurrection (an-nahdhah), enlightenment (at-tanwir), renewal (at-tahdits), progress (at-taqaddum), and civility (at-tamaddun) are phrases that sometimes have different wording context. But, for the writers who use it when talking about modern Arab permikiran phase, these phrases have the same meaning. Usually, they start writing with Rifa'ah Ath-Tahtawi which is the first pioneer ... Not a single thought of modern civilization which is recommended by the Ath-Tahtawi that unless the thinker trying to find a similar model in the Arab-Islamic civilization, both through the text of Al- Qur'an and hadith of the Prophet, saying the clergy, and through the realities of history and development of Islamic civilization. (Said Ismail Ali, 2010, 277)
In doing all this, Ath-Tahtawi not use the usual method used by many people at that time, the attitude of pride the glory of the past when dealing with vocabulary-the vocabulary of Western civilization. Ath-Tahtawi also not trying to show that Islam is more advanced than the West as it used to be done by many people when comparing these two great civilizations. Ath-Tahtawi do it all to prove that there is no single obstacle for a Muslim to take the causes of the progress of modern civilization, remember that all does not conflict with the causes of progress and the basic foundations of Islamic civilization. (Said Ismail Ali, 2010, pp. 278)

Ahmad Tafsir, 2010, Philosophy of Islamic Education, Bandung: PT Young Rosda
A. Malik Fajar, 1998, Vision of Islamic Education Reform, Jakarta: CV Alfa
AS Hornby, 2000, Oxford Advanced Leanear's Dictionary, New York: Oxford
University Press.
Darsono Prawironegoro, 2010, Philosophy of Science, Jakarta: Nusantara Consulting.
Hasan Langgulung, 2003, Principles of Islamic Education, Jakarta: Pustaka
Al-Husana New.
Komaruddin Hidayat et al., They Talk Islamic Education, Jakarta: PT Raja
Grafindo Persada.
K. Bertens, Summary History of Philosophy, 1998, London: Publisher Canisius.
M. Djumberansyah Indar, 1994, Philosophy of Education, Surabaya: Karya Abditama.
Said Ismail Ali, 2010, Pioneer Most Influential Islamic Education, London:
Pustaka Al-Kauthar.
Shafique Ali Khan, 2005, Philosophy of Education Al-Ghazali, Bandung: Pustaka Setia.
Ramayulis, 2006, Islamic Education, London: Kalam Publisher Majesty.
True to House of Gandhi HW., 2011, Philosophy of Education, Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruz Media.
Uyoh Sadulloh, 2009, Introduction to Philosophy of Education, Bandung: Alfabeta.
Zubaedi, 2010, Western Philosophy, Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruz Media.

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